Obtaining an Occupational Driver’s License
Call Our Dallas DWI Attorneys for Assistance
When the police have properly followed procedure and a suspect has failed a breath or blood test, it is not always possible to prevent an Administrative License Revocation. In these cases, our Dallas DWI attorneys work to help people get an occupational driver's license.
An occupational driver's license allows people to drive to and from work, to medical appointments, to school, as well as to perform essential household duties. However, occupational driver's licenses are not automatically granted. At Fitzpatrick Jacks Smith & Uhl, our lawyers regularly assist people who have had their driver's license suspended apply for an occupational driver's license.
Schedule a no-cost consultation; call the office at (214) 237-0900 to get started.
How to Obtain an Occupational Driver’s License
A judge is required to sign an order granting an occupational driver's license before one will be will be issued by the Department of Public Safety. In addition to a judge's order, the Department of Public safety requires that a number of fees are paid, including reinstatement fees and issuance fees. DPS will also require that the person being granted the occupational driver's license carry SR-22 insurance, an expensive insurance policy that requires the insurance company to inform the Department of Public Safety if the policy is canceled, terminated, or lapses.
How We Can Help
While we always try to preserve our client's full driving privileges, an occupational driver's license is often the best solution once our client's driving privileges have been suspended. You can receive a personalized approach tailored to your unique situation. We can help you understand your options and devise a plan of legal action that suits your particular goals.
Reach out to us at (214) 237-0900 to get started with a free initial consultation.